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교수소개 - 스포츠과학과

  • 교수 스포츠의학,운동생리학
  • 강현식


The integrative (systemic to molecular) biological mechanisms that mediate physiological and cognitive changes with aging (i.e., mild cognitive impairments and dementia) and the effects of modulating influences and interventions on those neurodegenerative diseases. 


  • 학사 : 진주국립경상대학교 체육교육학 (1983 - 1987)
  • 석사 : 서울대학교 운동생리학 (1987 - 1990)
  • 석사 : (미)남미시시피주립대학교 운동과학 (1991 - 1994)
  • 박사 : (미)켄트주립대학교 운동생리학 (1995 - 2000)


  • (현) 성균관대학교 스포츠과학대학 교수
  • (전) 선임연구원: 조지아의과대학 질병예방연구소 (Georgia Disease Prevention Institute)
  • (전) 방문연구원: 보스톤의과대학(Boston University School of Medicine)
  • (현) 국제학술지 편집위원(BMC Geriatrics)
  • (현) 국제학술지 편집위원(Medicine)
  • (현) 국제학술지 편집위원(Journal of Men's Health)

학술지 논문

  • (2024)  Development and Validation of Nomograms for Predicting Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Patients with Prediabetes and Diabetes.  SCIENTIFIC REPORTS.  14,  2909
  • (2024)  The association between physical activity and neck circumference with cardiovascular disease risk in older wheelchair users.  JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE.  56,  jrm35279
  • (2024)  Efficacy of Non-pharmacological Interventions for Individuals with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Control Trials.  SCIENTIFIC REPORTS.  14,  11365
  • (2024)  The Association Between Obesity Measures and Metabolic Syndrome Risk in Korean Adolescents Aged 10–18 Years.  JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY HEALTHCARE.  17,  4
  • (2024)  A cross-sectional study of the relationship between normal weight obesity and metabolic syndrome in older Korean adults.  JOURNAL OF MENS HEALTH.  20,  4
  • (2024)  Analysis of Time Loss Injury in Korean Professional Baseball Players.  운동과학.  33,  1
  • (2024)  Otago Exercise Program Improves Physical Functional Performance and Reduces Falling Risk in Elderly Korean Women.  TOPICS IN GERIATRIC REHABILITATION.  40,  1
  • (2023)  Association between normal-weight obesity and bone mineral density in older Korean adults: A population-based cross-sectional study.  MATURITAS.  180, 
  • (2023)  Normal-Weight Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome in Korean Adults: A Population-Based Cross-Sectional Study.  HEALTHCARE.  11,  16
  • (2023)  Effects of a group-based Otago exercise program on physical functional performance and fear of falling in older adult Korean women: A quasi-experimental study.  GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL.  23,  5
  • (2023)  Forced treadmill running modifies gut microbiota with alleviations of cognitive impairment and Alzheimer?s disease pathology in 3xTg-AD mice.  PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR.  264,  114145
  • (2022)  노년기 대사증후군, 심폐체력, 인지장애와의 관계.  운동과학.  31,  4
  • (2022)  대학생의 식사 속도와 대사증후군의 관계에 대한 신체활동 및 심폐체력의 역할.  운동과학.  31,  4
  • (2022)  Associations of Physical Activity and Handgrip Strength with Health-Related Quality of Life in Older Korean Cancer Survivors.  CANCERS.  14,  24
  • (2022)  대학생의 식사 속도와 대사증후군의 관계에 대한 신체활동 및 심폐체력의 역할.  운동과학.  31,  4
  • (2022)  Relationship between physical activity and depressive symptoms in older Korean adults: moderation analysis of muscular strength.  BMC GERIATRICS.  22,  1
  • (2022)  Relative Handgrip Strength Mediates the Relationship between Hemoglobin and Health-Related Quality of Life in Older Korean Adults.  HEALTHCARE.  10,  11
  • (2022)  A Non-Randomized Combined Program of Walking and Low-Load Resistance Exercise Improves Cognitive Function and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Community-Dwelling Elderly Women.  HEALTHCARE.  10,  10
  • (2022)  고강도 탈진 달리기 후 정적 휴식이 동적 균형에 미치는 영향.  한국생활환경학회지.  29,  4
  • (2022)  지체장애 노인의 저강도 신체활동과 모든 원인 사망과의 연관성.  운동과학.  31,  3


  • (2018)  ACSM 만성질환과 운동.  도서출판 한미의삭.  공동
  • (2013)  스포츠 트레이닝 (Sports Training).  (주)라이프사이언스.  공동
  • (2011)  운동생리학(Exercise Physiology).  도서출판 한미의학.  공동
  • (2004)  해부생리학입문(Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology).  범문사.  공동


  • (2023)  The association between normal weight obesity and metabolic syndrome in Korean adults.  ICOMES.  대한민국
  • (2023)  The relationship of physical activity and neck circumference with cardiovascular disease risk in manual wheelchiar users with an active lifestyle..  ICOMES.  대한민국
  • (2022)  Adding Estimated Cardiorespiratory Fitness To The Framingham Risk Score And Mortality Risk In A Korean Population-based Cohort Study.  2022 ACSM Annual Meeting.  미국
  • (2022)  Effect Of Treadmill Running On Gut Microbiota And Alzheimer’S Disease Neuropathology In Triple Transgenic Mice.  2022 ASCM Annual Meeting.  미국
  • (2022)  Exercise Training Attenuates Sepsis-induced Pro-inflammation In The Liver Via Inhibiting Tlr4/nf-kb Signaling Pathway.  2022 ACSM Annual Meeting.  미국
  • (2022)  Muscle strength moderates the association between nutritional risk and depression in Korean older adults..  2022 ACSM Annual Metting.  미국
  • (2022)  Physical activity, cognitive function and gut microbiome composition: a cross-sectional study of elderly Korean women.  2022 ACSM Annual Meeting.  미국
  • (2022)  Relationships Of Metabolic Syndrome And Cardiorespiratory Fitness With Cognitive Impairment In Korean Older Adults.  2022 ACSM Annual Meeting.  미국
  • (2019)  High-intensity interval training(HIIT) vs Moderate-intensity continous training (MICT)?.  한국운동생리학회(2019 Sports Issues Forum and the 31st Seoul International Sport Conference in Commemoration of the Seoul Olympic Games).  대한민국
  • (2019)  Exercise Preconditioning-induced modification of gut microbiota increases survival in cecal ligation and perforation(CLP)-induced sepsis.  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.  미국
  • (2019)  The Synergic Impact of Sarcopenia and Dynapenia on Depressive Symptoms in Korean Older Adults.  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.  미국
  • (2019)  Treadmill running attenuates experimental colitis in wild-type mice fed high-fat diet and dextran sulfate.  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.  미국
  • (2019)  Non-exercise Estimated Cardiorespiratory Fitness Mediates the Relationship between Comorbidities and Health-Related Quality of Life in Korean Older Adults.  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.  미국
  • (2017)  노인의 정신건강상태 예측을 위한 체중변화의 역할 검증.  한국체육학회지(우리세대의 스포츠과제: 통합과 혁신).  대한민국
  • (2017)  한국 노인의 악력수준, 노년기 우울증과 모든 원인 사망률과 연관성.  한국체육학회지(우리세대의 스포츠과제: 통합과 혁신).  대한민국
  • (2017)  Depression modulates the association between physical inactivity and cognitive impairment in Korean older adults.  대한비만학회지.  대한민국
  • (2017)  Insulin resistance and its association with metabolic syndrome in Korean children.  대한비만학회지.  대한민국
  • (2017)  Weight Change as a Predictor of Cognitive Impairment and Depressive Symptom in Korean Older Adults.  대한비만학회지.  대한민국
  • (2017)  Depressive Symptom and All-Cause Mortality in Korean Older Adults: a Population-Based Cohort Study.  대한비만학회지.  미국
  • (2017)  ACTN3 gene and susceptibility to sarcopenia and osteoporotic status in older Korean adults..  한국체육학회지(KAHPERD).  대한민국