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교수소개 - 스포츠과학과

  • 부교수 스포츠 심리학
  • 조희태


• Exercise 
• Well-Being
• Nostalgia
• Multilevel Approach
• Scale Development
• Cross-Cultural Studies
• Sport Tourism
• Sport Fan Behavior
• Volunteerism


  • [학사] 연세대학교 체육계열 (체육교육학, 사회체육학)
  • [석사] 연세대학교 사회체육학과
  • [박사] Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, Clemson University


  • [현] 성균관대학교 스포츠과학과 부교수
  • [전] 성균관대학교 스포츠과학과 조교수
  • [전] 2017.3 ~ 2022.9 Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Nanyang Technological University
  • [현] Co-Editor, International Journal of Sport Psychology (SSCI)
  • [현] Associate Editor, Leisure Sciences (SSCI, Tier 1 in JCR and SJR, ABDC Rating: A)
  • [현] Editorial Board Member, Leisure Studies (SSCI, Tier 1 in SJR, ABDC Rating: A)
  • [현] Editorial Board Member, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics (SSCI, ABDC Rating: A)
  • [현] Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship (SSCI)
  • [전] 2021.7.30 ~ 2024.7.29 Editorial Board Member, Tourism Management Perspectives (SSCI, Tier 1 in JCR and SJR, ABDC Rating: A)
  • [현] Editorial Board Member, Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
  • [현] Editorial Board Member, Journal of Global Sport Management
  • [현] Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences
  • [현] Section Editor (Psychological Behavior), Research in Dance and Physical Education
  • [현] Editorial Board Member, Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park (여가레크리에이션학회지)
  • [현] Editorial Board Member, Journal of Leisure Studies (여가학연구)
  • [현] 스포츠심리학회 이사
  • [현] 스포츠심리학회 감사
  • [현] 여가레크리에이션 상임이사
  • [현] 여가레크리에이션 감사

학술지 논문

  • (2024)  A societal perspective on nostalgia in satellite sports fandom: insights from the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions.  LEISURE STUDIES.  .,  .
  • (2024)  Development and Validation of an Attitude Measure in Open Water Activities.  LEISURE SCIENCES.  .,  .
  • (2024)  Consumers' intention to use online food delivery services: A meta-analytic structural equation modeling approach.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSUMER STUDIES.  48,  3
  • (2024)  Sport participants' well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: the roles of nostalgia, resilience, and curiosity.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT AND EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY.  22,  1
  • (2023)  How do compulsory volunteer experiences at sporting events help improve sport participation and life satisfaction?.  LEISURE SCIENCES.  .,  .
  • (2023)  Compulsory volunteers' nostalgia and its relationships with positive memories, age, past experiences, and volunteer intention.  CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY.  42,  25
  • (2023)  Elite youth athletes' mental health and its relationship with the talent development environment: A variable- and person-centred approach.  JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES.  41,  7
  • (2023)  The moderating role of coping strategies in athletic coaches' psychological well-being in response to negative emotions.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & COACHING.  18,  4
  • (2023)  Satellite fans' team identification, nostalgia, customer equity and revisit intention: symmetric and asymmetric analysis.  JOURNAL OF TRAVEL & TOURISM MARKETING.  40,  2
  • (2023)  Anticipated emotional solidarity, emotional reasoning, and travel intention: A comparison of two destination image models.  TOURISM MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES.  46, 
  • (2023)  Nostalgia in sport and leisure.  CURRENT OPINION IN PSYCHOLOGY.  49, 
  • (2022)  COVID-19 pandemic: consumers' purchase intention of indoor fitness products during the partial lockdown period in Singapore.  ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MARKETING AND LOGISTICS.  34,  10
  • (2022)  Development and validation of a volunteer nostalgia scale: assessing measurement invariance across cultures and types of volunteering.  CURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM.  25,  16
  • (2022)  Potential sport tourists' decision-making during the pandemic.  MARKETING INTELLIGENCE & PLANNING.  40,  5
  • (2022)  Understanding sport coaches' turnover intention and well-being: an environmental psychology approach.  PSYCHOLOGY & HEALTH.  37,  3
  • (2022)  Impact of COVID-19 on consumers' impulse buying behavior of fitness products: A moderated mediation model.  JOURNAL OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR.  21,  2
  • (2022)  The model of goal-directed behavior in tourism and hospitality: A meta-analytic structural equation modeling approach.  JOURNAL OF TRAVEL RESEARCH.  61,  3
  • (2021)  Does nostalgia promote personal growth and happiness? The case of field hockey in Singapore.  LEISURE SCIENCES.  -,  -
  • (2021)  Compensatory consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic: exploring the critical role of nostalgia in sport consumer behaviour.  JOURNAL OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT.  37,  17-18
  • (2021)  Who won the social media March Madness bracket? Demand shifters for Twitter followers.  TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS.  64,  -


  • National Institute of Education (NIE) Excellence in Research Award, 2020, Nanyang Technological University
  • 2022년 Sport, Leisure, and Tourism 분야 세계 상위 2% 학자 선정, Stanford University, Elsevier (
  • 2023년 Sport, Leisure, and Tourism 분야 세계 상위 2% 학자 선정, Stanford University, Elsevier (
  • Outstanding Poster Award, 2023, Asian Association for Sport Management, Title: The role of attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control in e-sports participation intentions among people with disability
  • 2022-2023년 Journal of Consumer Behavior 게재된 연구 중 가장 많이 인용된 연구로 선정, Title: Impact of COVID‐19 on consumers' impulse buying behavior of fitness products: A moderated mediation model
  • 2023년도 성균관대학교 교수업적평가, 연구영역 우수자(연구신품) 선정
  • 2024년 Sport, Leisure, and Tourism 분야 세계 상위 2% 학자 선정, Stanford University, Elsevier (


  • (2024)  Examining the effect of social support on burnout, performance, and well-being among university taekwondo athletes.  36th International Sport Science Congress in Commemoration for the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games.  대한민국
  • (2024)  Self-compassion and athletes’ flourishing: The serial mediating roles of positive emotions, coping strategies, and resilience.  36th International Sport Science Congress in Commemoration for the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games.  대한민국
  • (2024)  Application of the UTAUT2 model in online food delivery service: A meta-analytic structural equation modeling.  2024 APacCHRIE Conference.  대한민국
  • (2024)  Measuring an attitude scale for open water activities: Scale development and validation.  International Seminar in Sport and Exercise Psychology.  대만
  • (2024)  Perfectionism and sport continuance intention in athletes: The mediating role of basic psychological needs.  International Seminar in Sport and Exercise Psychology.  대만
  • (2023)  운동선수의 본인 정서평가가 운동지속과 웰빙에 미치는 영향: 대처의 매개효과.  제61회 한국체육학회.  대한민국
  • (2023)  운동선수의 완벽주의 성향이 운동전념, 운동지속의도에 미치는 영향: 기본적 심리욕구 만족의 매개효과.  제61회 한국체육학회.  대한민국
  • (2023)  Relationships between planning behavior, e-sports participation intention, and e-sport participation among the people with disability..  제 34회 88서울올림픽 기념 국제 스포츠 컨퍼런스 및 학술대회.  대한민국